The Power Of Breaking Through Fear

woman with arms stretched out

We have all heard “Feel the Fear and do it Anyway”, it is so true, there is power is following through even if you feel fearful. Through experience and practice fear starts to fade away.

As we look back we may remember fearful times that turned out to be a good experience or at least not so bad. When we were children we had many unfamiliar experiences that brought on fear and anxiety, maybe even feeling abandoned such as the first sitter, the first overnighter, the first day of school, High School, later on the first job, etc. we leave a familiar environment and meet new people, this can certainly cause fear. We soon realize that out of these experiences we learn exciting things and make new friends.

Fear is false evidence appearing real it often comes from belief systems in our subconscious programing and gets us into trouble because of past experiences that play in our mind over and over. Taking risks in life can be scary and it’s a human response, we get caught up in the fear of the unknown or less traveled territory. We might also be opening up to our true authenticity our purpose and are looking to express ourselves in a different way, going deeper into who we really are or are trying to become, this can cause fear of maybe not being accepted by our friends and peers and feeling judged and rejected may even bring back past memories that are not comfortable. We have a choice to either go back into our shells or be bold by putting action into it our dreams and desires and if we decide to go forward we most likely succeed and realize that it was worth it.

Praying, speaking words of positive affirmation and action all put forth the dream, the universe will do the rest and practice makes perfect. The more you do it, the easier it gets.

Breath, Breath, Breath, practice gratitude, gratitude will shift your mind and soul.

Speak words of Positive Affirmation

I am Strong, I am courageous. The Universe has my back.
I am Fearless and I am Successful in all that I do.