What Is Your Life Purpose

Life purpose is an intention, a goal, a cause, a burning desire.

You can look at it as a connection to your soul, inspiration or an inner calling?
Does your life inspire you or are you bored and searching for more? If you wake inspired to live fully to do what you envision, you are living your life according to your purpose.

If you haven’t found your purpose how can you do that?

Ask yourself if I could I would… finish that sentence

What are my favorite past successes?

What did I love to do as a child? Build, help, read, run, art, acting, animals? What were you really good at? What came naturally to you? What were your favorite subjects and interests? Finish this sentence, when you were a child you often said when I grow up I want to be…? Or do?

Your purpose is your inspiration we don’t need to do anything else, it is already within us.

Close your eyes and imagine yourself doing something that you really love, recall an experience that was total happiness, now feel it go to your heart and gut. Keep your brain out of it, it’s a feeling a feeling of Joy, love, significance and connection.

We complicate things and constantly overthink. Think of what gives bliss. What do you spend most of your time doing? Are you connected to that? Do you find significance and fulfillment? Is the energy Joy or Drain? If its drain move on.

Is fear preventing you from living your Purpose Driven Life?

Start where it feels comfortable and trust if it is your true purpose, you can’t go wrong following that path it may not always manifest on your time table, but you will be inspired to work towards your desire on a daily basis and you will be a light of enthusiasm for others along the way.

What may delay you from taking action is fear. Than examine your fear, where does it come from?

Ask yourself these questions

What are my desired core goals?

Do I feel that I was born to do this?

What is the scariest thing about getting started?

What can I learn?

What are my choices?

What’s possible?

How would living my purpose affect my life in the next 5yrs?

And I will leave you with this to ponder:

If you were to die soon what would you do less of and more of? How would you feel if you died without completing your mission?

Be willing to accept the disapproval of others, be independent of the good intent of others so that you can be your authentic self and respect your inner calling.

Stay detached from the outcome. Let go the goal of life is God realization. Remove distractions.

Ignore the creativity killers and don’t die with the music in you. People always regret what they didn’t do, not what they did.

What if? What if you could? And what if you never took the chance to realize that you could?

So many times we trade our passion for survival, don’t lose grip of the dreams of your past.

You must fight to keep them alive and not die with the music within you. Your Purpose is already

Within you, it’s a God given dream, all you have to do is find it, accept it and put it into action.

You wouldn’t have that inner calling if it wasn’t meant to be. There is no enemy outside of you, your biggest enemy is your thinking, doubting your greatness within.

It’s time to live your greatness, find your reason and rise up!! Find the music that inspires you and Rise up with joy and Purpose.

Think Big and Dream Big

Terri Cabral

Life Coach and Spiritual Teacher

Contact Terri