The Glue That Holds Us Together

What is the glue that holds us together?

Love, love is a universal language, it is an unspoken language and needs no words to be identified. A gesture, a touch, a smile. Love is all you need, to feel comfort, to feel accepted, to feel united… love is magic, the beauty of the soul.

It is a sense of belonging in the world, not needing to be explained, unconditional love is what we all strive for, to give and to receive. We often ask ourselves how we can achieve, being, living and giving unconditional love, at times we don’t find it so easy to be or do.

Practice giving kindness from your heart daily and see the beauty in the soul in front of you, they came from love just as you did. Maybe it’s a tough day for the person that you are having a challenge with and they too, are finding it difficult to be love. The Creator of All is ultimate love and we are a spark of that Divine Light, but, why is it that we see faults instead of beauty even within our own souls? The time is now to rise to a new level, all we have is now and the relationships that have come into our lives, for a purpose and a reason. To raise the frequency in our own environment itself, is reaching the goal of creating more love, higher energy and therefore to feel more connection and more peace, we all have this need for human connection, without it we are starving for love. God showed the world unconditional love by accepting everyone and as we grow spiritually, we too must show our neighbor honor and love, the biggest lesson that we have to learn while we are here is to accept and love, as humans, we strive to build better relationships and have more fulfillment in life and love is the answer to all peace and happiness. So why do we struggle so much with this? we play at the game of life feeling like we are constantly in the game of winning and losing but is it really that or is it just an experience that maybe showed up to teach us a better way? I believe that there are no mistakes in life, only experiences, life has a way of teaching us the lessons that we should learn or at least pay attention to, but without love humanity would not grow and you and I would not be here and the beauty that we are co-creating would not happen without good thoughts, love, beauty, trust. Therefore we must trust to love and also trust that we can receive love and give love unconditionally not only to those whom are easy to love but even those that we wonder if we can reach out to, with the same attitude. Do you have an attitude of Love?

Love is kind, love is patient, love is consistent and persistent and love never gives up. We now need to send love to the world, more than ever before and gather together in groups to become a powerful instrument of love. This is a year of mending relationships and moving forward in love, letting go of anything that is of a lower frequency, our words and actions have frequency. How high or low is your frequency? Ask yourself is there a higher vibration word or action that I should be using at this moment. Stop, breathe and listen, the answer will come. It’s already within you. We are powerful beings, perfectly equipped and therefore, know that you hold all the answers.

We must understand that Love is the highest of frequencies the main reason for existing. Babies that don’t receive love become sad or unhealthy and later on broken, often needing therapy as adults. They find themselves struggling in relationships. It is easier to nourish a child with love than to fix a broken adult. The world needs more love and the time is now. Love is the glue that binds us together, with love we can survive anything.

“Whether humanity will consciously follow the law of love, I do not know. But that need not to disturb me. The law will work just as the law of gravitation works whether we accept it or not”. Mahatma Gandhi

Blessings to all and much love from my heart to yours.