2 0 1 8 Manifesting Your Magic

wizard hat A New Year, new possibilities, the opportunity to begin again and experience life in a fresh way. As the New Year arrives, we clear out the old, set new goals and anticipate the excitement of a renewed spirit and guidance, like a kid in the candy store we too, expect a new sweet flavor along with some of the old favorites.

Life honors us when we honor ourselves, that’s when it becomes a full circle. What we put out we get back and when we get centered and start from the heart instead of the head, the energy comes from love (heart magic) and from the heart we experience clarity and joy, the feeling that comes so easily to children. Children always experience more feeling than thought, therefore they truly bathe in their joy. As adults we often forget the feeling of joy, bogged down with responsibilities, we don’t remember the simple things in life that do not cost money. Instead we create lives of stress instead of joy and magic.

Why not think of 2018 as your year of Magic? A year of joy, the opportunity for a higher frequency to enter your life. Simplify, destress and soothe your soul. Release all that is no longer for your highest and best and let go of everything that doesn’t represent you. Live free and authentic, visualize the possibilities. Live in gratitude and count your blessing daily, keep a gratitude journal or jar.

A thankful person is thankful under all circumstances.” Bahaullah

Dream the impossible because it is all possible. Believe in the Law of Attraction, know that what you believe and think about, you create. Why not create Magic? Your feelings are creating your future, so if you do more of what you love you will create more fun, joy, fulfillment and the Universe will bring more of the same back to you.

Be aware of the language that you use, words can create happiness or disease, we are what we think we are and we must change our thinking so that we can heal our lives and manifest the life that we desire and that is according to our purpose. The life that we were meant to live and enjoy.

Lift your frequency in 2018 speak and read words of love and inspiration, use color frequency in your environment and wear more color to lift your energy, decorate using the Feng Shui principles created in Asia, release stagnant energy in your home by clearing with sage and letting in fresh air, be creative, bring plants into your home or office for more oxygen and connection to the earth, dance to your favorite song like no one is watching, drink lots of water and connect with nature.

This New Year connect with your soul, worry less, pray more, trust more, love more and except the best. Affirm and visualize this as your best year. Set goals that inspire your soul and make it a Magic year.

Imagination is the true magic carpet” Norman Vincent Peale

Blessings from my heart to yours.

Celebrate You!